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The UZH Card is issued to students for the full duration of their studies, to staff for the full duration of their employment, and to visitors for the full duration of their stay at the University of Zurich.
UZH Cards must be treated with care.
If you lose or damage your card, you can order a replacement for a fee of CHF 25.00. To complete your order, simply transfer the amount electronically to the correct account, with your student or staff ID number noted in the payment details. Your card will then automatically be issued. No further action or information is required. Further information on making the payment can be found under "Ordering and Paying for a Replacement UZH Card" (see below). As soon payment is received, the replacement card will be issued and sent to your home address.
Ordering and Paying for a Replacement UZH CardCard (PDF, 348 KB)
Defective cards are replaced free of charge.
To receive a free replacement, send a scanned copy of the defective card to or present the card at a UZH Card information point. If your card is deemed to be damaged at no fault of your own, a new UZH Card will promptly be dispatched to your home address.
Please note: Old cards are automatically canceled upon production of a new card and can no longer be used.
If your lost/damaged card has access rights saved on it, please order a new card (see above) and contact the access delegate in your unit.
Locking Access Rights outside of the Opening Hours:
Please contact the Irchel Service Center: + 41 44 635 41 41.